Meet Our Instructor Team
Each member of the Australian teaching team has internationally recognised qualifications in the Filipino Martial Arts, and are university teacher trained and qualified. Our academy is a member of the Martial Arts Industry Association (MAIA), and Kung-Fu Wushu Australia Ltd (KWA). We are the official Australian representatives of the Bernas Estocadas system under Grandmaster William Bernas, who resides in the Philippines, and who is the patron of our academy. The ranks we award in Bernas Estocadas are internationally recognised.
Lólo Ámo | Academy Patron
Grandmaster William Bernas
Brief Bio: The Bernas Estocadas system was founded by Grandmaster William Bernas in 1982. Growing up in Escalante, a city on the island of Negros, GM Bernas initially learned Baston (stickfighting) and Olisi (longstick) from his Grandfather Ciriaco Canillo. Later, he learnt stick-fighting from his Uncle Manoy Alfon Brinquiz, a well-known Bastonero in Negros Occidental, who also introduced him to the blade, specifically the Talíbong and Ginúnting. The style of training was what is called on the Island of Negros, Wido (from the Spanish Oido or "hearing" suggesting something that is learnt without formal instruction).
In his early twenties, he became a student of Grandmaster Hortencio Navales, and trained extensively with his principal student, GM Romeo Postrano. GM Hortencio “Horten” Navales was originally assistant to his brother who was the initial teacher of their system. As far as anyone knows in Bacolod, his brother learned his Arnis from two well known Bastóneros in Negros, namely Juan Lawan and Mang Karpo, and also from an unknown Arnisador from the neighbouring island of Panay. When his brother died, he took over and taught his brother’s compilation of the arts, which he openly taught at the then Navales Arnis Clinic. GM Navales’ style of Arnis is known in Bacolod as Pekiti Tirsia, and was simply a reference to it being "Close Quarters" fighting. It was here, in the Navales Arnis Clinic, that GM Bernas was exposed for the first time to a systematic 12-Strike numbering system that would start him thinking about how he would arrange his own striking techniques, bringing together the unique Wido style, together with a more structured pedagogical approach influenced and inspired by the Pekiti Tirsia of the Navales Arnis Clinic. The result of this creative fusion is the Bernas Estocadas system, that draws on the best of the old ways, with the strength of the new.
Agálon | Academy Director
Master Robert Parkes
Brief Bio: Agálon Robert is an Associate Professor of Curriculum Theory, History Education, and Secondary Teacher Education at the University of Newcastle; an Author, Editor, and Historian; and lifetime Martial Artist. He holds a Bachelor of Education (Honours) from the University of Sydney, and a Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) from the University of Newcastle. He is the first and currently only person ever to be awarded the rank of Agálon (Master) in the Filipino Martial Art of Bernas Estocadas, awarded to him by Grandmaster William Bernas in November 2023. Studying martial arts since 1980, Robert begun his martial art career in a Wing Chun and Non-Classical Kung-Fu school, and received his first exposure to Filipino Martial Arts in 1982 in seminars with Guro Dan Inosanto, later briefly studying Modern Arnis under a student of Chris Traish in the early 1990s. In 1988 Robert received his Black Belt in Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu, and during the mid-1990s was promoted to 5th Dan in this Japanese martial art system that incorporates classical Jujutsu and is heavily indebted to the classical staff and sword arts of the Kukishinden Ryu. After returning to teaching Kali combatives in 2016, Robert travelled to the Philippines in 2019 to study De Campo 123 Original becoming a Magtutudlo (Instructor) in December 2020, but relinquishing that title by the end of 2022 to concentrate on his study of the Bernas Estocadas system. He is also a Graduando in Capoeira under Mestre Borracha Aruanda.
Manunúdlò | Academy Treasurer
Instructor Bek Parkes
Brief Bio: Rebekah (Bek) is a professional Singer and Musician, Circus Performer, and High School Physical Education and Music Teacher. She has a Bachelor of Music (Honours) and a Master of Teaching (Secondary) from the University of Newcastle, and is currently completing a PhD on martial arts and motivation for participation in physical activity, as a university academic pathways scholarship holder. Bek teaches the Afro-Brazilian martial art of Capoeira (in the Capoeira Aruanda organisation of Mestre Borracha), and has received Instructor ranks in Kali, Bernas Estocadas and De Campo 123 Original. While Bek's first exposure to Filipino Martial Arts was in her childhood practicing Tapi Tapi drills like Hubad Lubad with her father, she has now been studying martial arts formally for over a decade, and has travelled to study Capoeira in Brazil, and Filipino Martial Arts in the Philippines. Manunudlo Bek is currently the first, and only female Instructor in the world, qualified to teach the Bernas Estocadas system.
Manunúdlò | Academy Secretary
Instructor Chris Baird
Brief Bio: Chris is a High School English and Drama Teacher. He holds a Bachelor of Teaching (Secondary) / Bachelor of Arts from the University of Newcastle. He has worked as a Graphic Designer, Parkour and Adult Gym Coach, Professional Actor, and Circus Performer. He has been practicing martial arts since his youth, and holds the rank of Instructor in Capoeira (in the Capoeira Aruanda organisation of Mestre Borracha), the rank of Instructor in Kali, and has engaged in serious study of Kung-Fu, Tai Chi, De Campo 123 Original, and Aikido. He is currently a qualified Manunudlo (Instructor) of the Bernas Estocadas system.